Grand Canyon Unversity
Digital Resources

The GCU Digital Resources provide access to learning resources throughout your Grand Canyon University experience.

The Canyon Connect website identifies the courses that are digitally enabled and those that require a print textbook to be purchased. Prior to starting a course, check the Canyon Connect website to see if your course will have materials offered in a digital format. This website is updated regularly so check back often to view the most up-to-date information.

If you have questions about the eBook program at GCU, please read the support article Getting Started with eBooks, view this Video Tutorial, or review the Frequently Asked Questions.

Before downloading your text, please review Grand Canyon University's Copyright Notice.

Resource Title
Download Options

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 1: How People Learn – Introduction to Learning Theory)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 2: Learning as we Grow – Development and Learning)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 3: Building on What We Know – Cognitive Processing)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 4: Feelings Count – Emotions and Learning)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 5: Learning from Others – Learning in a Social Context)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 6: The Classroom Mosaic – Culture and Learning)

The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice (Annenberg Course License) Videos (1st Edition ) (Session 7: Language Development)